Saturday, April 19, 2014

AT and College Students with Disabilities

The next blogs will discuss the implementation of AT in Transition Planning. 

AT offers solutions to college students with disabilities. With the right hardware, software, and assistive device, computers can help college students complete academic tasks in a timely fashion; decrease the anxiety and frustration associated with reading, writing, and communicating; gain access to and participate in the full range of learning opportunities; and maximize their independence. 

AT can be used to help college students during classes and testing situations and in completing assignments. AT tools may be helpful to college students with disabilities if the tools meet the following criteria: 
  • Must be easy to use and easy to customize
  • Must be age appropriate  
  • Must be the student's own choice
  • Must carefully match the specific task that needs to be accomplished and the environment in which it will take place
  • Must be installed in a place that the student can easily access
  • Training and ongoing technical support must be provided to students and staff. 

The next blog will discuss how apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch and other handheld devices can be used to provide visual supports for students with severe disabilities. 

Dell, A., Newtown, D., & Petroff, J. (2012). Assistive technology in the classroom . (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Pearson Education.

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