Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Final Post

In ending this semester, I've learned a tremendous amount of invaluable information about Assistive Technology and how this knowledge will make me a better teacher. 

Here are just a few things I learned this semester that I didn't know before:
  • AT can change a person's life! With the right device/tool specific to an individual's needs, AT can make a student's academic and personal life much more easier. 
  • The teacher needs to learn how to use it too! If I have a student with an AT device or tool, I better know how to use it and how to help that student! 
  • UDL is great! Although it can be somewhat overwhelming, this is a great tool to ensure that I, as the teacher, am reaching all my students! 
  • IEPs will be my future friend! As a teacher, I am working towards my special education certification. I know there will be a time I am faced with challenges in regards to IEPs and using AT.  Therefore, it's important for me to be knowledgeable about the IEP process and how AT can be beneficial to a student.  
With looking back at previous posts, I have learned so much and have grown immensely with this class. The invaluable knowledge I've gained about AT will help strengthen my instruction for students who are in need and I can't wait to have my own classroom one day trying out all the great resources that I've come to love and become curious about using!

I hope everyone has enjoyed my blog posts, as I have enjoyed reading others! 

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