Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Low-Tech & Mid-Tech Adaptions for Students with Disabilities in Math

The AT continuum is relevant to the teaching of math, just as it is to the teaching of writing and reading. There are different adaptions for students with disabilities in math that can be utilized such as:

  1. Manipulatives
  2. Rubber Stamps
  3. Manipulative Number Line
  4. Laminated Addition and Multiplication Tables
  5. Rulers with multiple transparent overlays for units of measure
  6. Large Calculators with oversized buttons
  7. Graphic Organizers
  1. Coin Abacus/ Coin-u-lator 
  2. Talking calculators 
  3. Talking watches/clocks
  4. Calculator with print out 

These are all great tools to consider for a student with a disability in math.  It's always important to remember the student's needs and goals when considering a device. 


Dell, A., Newtown, D., & Petroff, J. (2012). Assistive technology in the classroom . (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Pearson Education.

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