Saturday, April 19, 2014

Useful Resource to implement AT in Schools

The next blog posts will be discuss resources to implement AT in schools. One resource is Making It Work: Effective Implementation of Assistive Technology Guide through the Special Education Technology British Columbia (link). 

This resource is designed to provide educators with a guide for successfully implementing a wide variety of assistive technologies with students with special needs.  A comprehensive implementation plan and samples of specific tools are included in this resource. Effective implementation of assistive technology can be a very complex process that may take place over the student's entire school career and on into adulthood.  The implementation process is actually independent of the specific technologies being put into place.  Truly successful implementation of the technology into a student's educational program does not depend on what software and hardware is introduced but, instead, depends on the careful and thoughtful attention to the various implementation steps.  This resource offers downloadable sections devoted to specific steps in the AT implementation process. 

The next blog post will discuss another resource for implementing AT in schools. 


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