Monday, March 31, 2014

Supporting Expressive Language: Break Cards

Break cards are a visual support which may be used to communicate the message that a student needs some time away from an activity, task or person.  During an activity or task, a nonverbal student who may become frustrated, bored or anxious may find it difficult to continue on with the activity or task. A break card is an alternative way of communicating the need for a break while potentially decreasing their need to engage in challenging behaviors.  Break cards are a strategy that the student can independently utilize to self-manage their ned to take a break for a predetermined time and return to the activity or task.  It's important to set guidelines for the use of break cards. 

One way of using Break cards is to simply give a student a break with a predetermined time. You can give a student as few or as many breaks as necessary. Below is great way to visually show a student how breaks they have. 

Another example of Break cards may be cards that help a student express how they are feeling and enable the student to take a break. 

I think different types of Break cards can be useful to students with expressive communication difficulties in helping them complete classroom activities and tasks. This strategy may also be useful in elementary classrooms where young students have difficulty focusing, and staying on task. The next post will discuss Choice cards, which gives students with expressive language difficulties the ability to choose things based on their wants or needs. 


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