Thursday, March 13, 2014

IEP Example #1: Michael

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
Michael is in a second grade classroom for most of the day with a full-time paraprofessional who assists him.  He enjoys participating, but has difficulty being an active participant in academics because he uses a voice output AAC device and frequently does not have the "right" answer. The teacher is concerned at the amount of time it takes him to answer questions, and is interested in finding ways for him to more actively participate.

Annual Goal
Michael will use eye gaze and prerecorded messages to respond to appropriately phrased questions in four subject area classes (Mathematics, Reading, Science and Social Studies) in three out of five opportunities.

An AT device that would be useful for Michael would be a customized communication board that has recorded responses to content knowledge questions. This low-tech communication device makes language visible by displaying photographs, symbols, words/phrases or a combination of all three.  Michael can use responses that include pictures or words by using one finger touch as well.  Below is an example of a communication board. 


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